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I am confident that you can turn your dreams into reality

Nobody and Nothing is more important than you.

If you are Okay with yourself, you can give more to others and you can achieve better performances.

Take care of yourself!

Marta S. Toth


Chose one of my business development tools and bring your professional skills to the next level!


Discover what holds you back and chose a course of action to improve your personal life!

About Me

I am human. I love, dream, plan, and make mistakes. I have good days and I have days on which I’m learning from my lessons. I’m human. Strong and weak. Mother and child. I have my desires and my dreams. I have my plans.

Marta S. Toth is an interesting and interested Trainer and Coach, who gives all her energy and knowledge for her clients and projects.

Claudia Catharina BonackerManager at PwC |Berlin, Germany

A highly focused and insightful coach with ample experience. Always full of energy, enthusiasm and certainly has the trans-formative and inspirational power you would look for!

Adam ReparszkyFormer Student | London, UK

Marta is a creative, ambitious and empathic leader, whom you can always count on.

Vivien SzaboCoach - Stockholms Stad | Stockholm, Sweden

I have found Marta to be very active in the field always ready to promote and help when needed. we have collaborated on several projects and i always enjoyed working together with Marta. Professionally is certainly a good way to describe Marta.

George BakopanosCustomer Care Expert | Bucharest, Romania

It's always a pleasure to work with Marta. Apart from her being a thorough professional, she is also an empathic business partner. She is a positive person, always sees the full half of the glass, optimistic, very dedicated to her work, detailed oriented and punctual. Professionally it's a pleasure to rely on her, because you know you'll have the necessary feed-back always on time, be it good or... not so good. I hope that more and more professionals will reach in time Marta's level.

Mihaela CosteaManaging Director 2Work | Romania

As a person, Marta is full of energy, enthusiasm and life force. As a professional, she is passionate, dedicated to every project and persevere. As a business partner, Marta is client oriented, trustful, flexible and open-mind. In each context your relation with Marta will be a joy!

Laura CiuciucPeople Developer | Bucharest, Romania

S. Toth Marta is a brilliant Coach and NLP Trainer who brings results in a very efficient way. She held a workshop as part of uSchool startup weekend in order to support young entrepreneurs with useful team leadership and communication models. Just in one brief session she managed to stir-up the spirits, challenge the students to think in a critical way and face their preconceptions of leaders and decision making. She also gave students a very useful framework of communication, applicable in all aspects of their life, a communication frame that gives the infrastructure for immediate conflict mediation.

Antonia ImreCEO Invendor Ltd. | Hungary

Excellent negotiation skills, customer oriented, good people skills.

Radu IonescuLawyer, Managing Partner Ionescu and Sava SCA | Romania

Developing your skills and the skills of your employees can help to keep your business competitive.

Investing in skills and training can increase productivity and innovation, help you attract and retain high quality employees and improve customer satisfaction.

Business Trainings

All my trainings are exclusively tailored to the client organization.

Business Clients, CSR


Life Coach Course Malta

7 days intensive course

Life Coach Course Lisbon, Portugal

7 days intensive course

Develop the attitudes and learn the skills of an effective professional coach

Our life coaching course offers a powerful blend of cutting-edge coaching styles delivered in an experiential and transformational way so that you not only learn the skills but experience them first hand.


Marta S. Toth - Life and Business Coach, Accredited NLP Trainer, Business Trainer, Coaching NLP Courses |

S. Toth Marta Lineo CoachingTM

+36 70 394 5336